+56 2 2232 7758 +56 9 6219 9550 Guardia Vieja 181, of. 506 | Providencia | Santiago de Chile

RCH® Construction Company

Industrials Floors Division


Floors: Idustrial, Commercial, & Residentials

With more than 1 million square meters executed in our 10-year history, we are leaders in design, construction, polishing, repair, and recovery of concrete floors. We have our own machines for the preparation and finishing of surfaces, for the removal of coatings or concrete polishing, and we are constantly innovating in our knowledge, techniques, services, and products.

Preparation and levelling of support (base and sub-base)
Industrial floors and pavements
Exterior floors
Commercial floors
Floor coating
Washed concrete floors
Epoxy floors
TCP® Pavements
Slabs, topping slabs, and steel decks
Expansion and isolation cuts with Soff-Cut system (Recommended for low thickness or early maturing foundations)
Expansion and insulation cuts with water cooling disc (Recommended for under-roof or thick foundations)
Sealing of expansion joints, insulation and construction (Includes supply of materials and specialized labor)


Contact Us

Learn more about our services and capabilities, as well as the industries we serve, where we turn your challenges into ours.

Commercial Address

Guardia Vieja 181 Of. 506, Providencia. Santiago de Chile


Call Us

+56 2 2232 7758

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